TEDCO's Women Entrepreneurs Leadership Programs

General Company Details

Primary Contact Information
Insert full, legal name. If applicant is already registered with the Maryland State Department of Assessments and Taxation (SDAT), the name inserted here should match the SDAT registration
Full URL if applicable
Eligibility Questions

Principal Business Operations
“Principal Business Operations” means the headquarters from which the applicant's officers direct, control, and coordinate the applicant's business activities.

Document Submission

If you exceed the file size limits, your application will NOT submit and result in an error. 
Make sure your link is accessible.

Additional Company Information

Employment Data

"Employee" means a full-time or full-time equivalent W-2 reporting worker of a business.
"Founder" means an individual who established a business by: (a) Assuming a portion of the risk of the business; and (b) Having the initial rights to a portion of the profits of the business.
Diversity & Inclusion